Land Aquisition

Actionable Items / Checklist

Actionable Item



Check Local Authority Plan

Determine if the site is allocated for development or if it's a green belt.

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Examine SEPA Flood Maps

Identify if the site is susceptible to various types of flooding.

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Consult The Coal Authority's Interactive Map

Find out if the site is in a 'Development High Risk Area' and any charted mine entries.

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Explore British Geological Survey Database

Investigate the types of superficial deposits overlying the site.

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Review Archive Ordnance Survey Maps

Check historical activities that have taken place on the site.

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Research Archaeological Interest

Look into Local Authority records and the Canmore website for archaeological significance.

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Check Site Topography

Use tools like Promap to get initial LiDAR information.

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Conduct a Site Walkover and Take Record Photographs

Assess topography, possible points of access, and notable site features.

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Investigate Protected Trees

Are there any protected trees on or near the site?

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Check Location and Capacity of Services

Assess utilities and other services needed for development.

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Search Local Authority Planning Portal

Look for information on past or current planning applications for neighboring sites.

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Last updated