👨‍💼Business Plan

Business Plan for Bannochmoor Castle Estate Project

1. Executive Summary


  • Mission: To restore and modernize the historic Bannochmoor Castle Estate in Scotland, leveraging blockchain technology for community-driven funding and governance.


  • Raise a minimum a base of atleast $200,000 through an Initial Token Sale in Q4 2023. Pre-sale begins 1st December 2023.

  • Offer NFTs in relation to estate access to incentivize investment.

  • Create a sustainable tourism hub and online platform by EOY 2026.

2. Business Model


  • Short-term (2023-2024):

    • Secure $200,000 through the ITS.

    • Complete land acquisition.

  • Mid-term (2024-2025):

    • Commence and complete construction and restoration phases.

  • Long-term (2026 and beyond):

    • Become a self-sustaining entity with an annual revenue of at least $1,700,000.

Revenue Streams

  • Initial Token Sale (ITS): 70% of the tokens will be available for public purchase, aiming to generate at least $200,000.

  • Secondary Token Sales: Sales of additional tokens if approved by community vote.

  • On-site Services: Aiming for $100,000 in the first year

3. Financial Planning

Budget Allocation

  • Land Lock In: 55% of ITS proceeds

  • Development and Construction: 30% of ITS proceeds

  • Operations and Marketing: 10% of ITS proceeds

  • Legal and Compliance: 5% of ITS proceeds

Budget Buffer

  • A contingency fund equivalent to 15% of the Development Fund.

Financial Projections

  • Expected to break even by the end of 2025 with an estimated total revenue of $600,000 and operating costs of $450,000.

Financial Milestones

  • Q4 2023: Achieve Pre-sale soft cap

  • Q2 2024: Complete land lock in

  • Q1-Q4 2025: Construction in progress

  • Q1 2026: Complete construction; begin operations.

4. Market Research

Target Audience

  • Investors looking for tangible, history-linked assets.

  • Tourists interested in historical sites.

  • Educational institutions for field trips and study programs.

Competitive Analysis

  • Strengths: Unique blend of history and technology, community involvement.

  • Weaknesses: Regulatory challenges, reliance on community funding.

  • Opportunities: Growing interest in historical tourism, the appeal of Scotland as a travel destination.

  • Threats: Economic downturns affecting tourism, competition from other attractions.

Marketing Channels

  • Social Media: Utilize Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for promotion.

  • Influencers: Partner with travel bloggers and blockchain influencers to cover the estate.

  • Traditional Media: Press releases and feature articles in travel and finance magazines.

5. Risk Management Strategy

Funding Risks

  • Fallback Plan: Refund all investments if the ITS doesn't hit the soft cap.

  • Additional Funding Rounds: May be initiated, but only after a snapshot vote.

Regulatory Risks

  • Legal Counsel: Retain a legal team specialized in Scottish property law and blockchain regulations.

  • Compliance Roadmap: Timeline to secure all necessary permits, expected to be completed by Q3 2024.

Operational Risks

  • Insurance Coverage: Property, liability, and cybersecurity insurance

  • Land & Manpower: Land costs, manpower, artchitects and so on.

Last updated