📈BNR Staking

Future Staking Overview ($BNR)

Introducing Bannochmoor Staking: A Rewarding Community Ecosystem

At Bannochmoor our staking program is designed to reward the dedication of our community members. Here's how it works and what you can expect when you stake your $BNR tokens:

How to Stake: To participate in the staking program, you must hold at least a Tier 1 NFT in your wallet. This NFT acts as your entry ticket to a world of rewards and signifies your stake in the estate. Once you're a Tier 1 NFT holder, you can stake your $BNR tokens through our secure platform.

Reward Streams:

  1. NFT Sales Distribution:

    • A generous 10% of all Ethereum (ETH) collected from our NFT sales will be distributed among stakers.

    • This distribution is weighted based on the amount of $BNR you have staked, meaning the more you stake, the greater your share of the rewards.

  2. Revenue Sharing:

    • We are committed to sharing our success with those who believe in us. Therefore, 10% of the estate's revenue, after operating costs, will be distributed to our stakers.

    • This aligns the interests of our community with the financial health of the estate, allowing you to share in our growth and prosperity.

  3. Tokenomics Incentive:

    • To further reward our community, 1% of all transaction fees collected from the $BNR tokenomics will be allocated to the staking pool.

    • This creates a continuous reward stream, incentivizing long-term holding and contributing to the stability of the $BNR ecosystem.

Staking Benefits: By staking your $BNR tokens, you're not only supporting the Bannochmoor project but also positioning yourself to receive a stream of rewards derived from our diverse revenue models. It's a way to ensure that as Bannochmoor grows, so do the benefits for our community.

Long-Term Vision: Staking is an integral part of our vision for a self-sustaining community. It's a commitment from both sides – you commit your tokens to us, and we commit to delivering value back to you. It's this symbiotic relationship that will drive the Bannochmoor project into the future, creating a legacy that rewards every stakeholder.

Last updated